Thai Digital Content Gaining Increasing Recognition Around the World

“Home Sweet Home”, a horror adventure video game, first released in 2017, is a global hit and continues to provide challenging and petrifying experiences to players in its season 3 in 2021. “Sea of Love”, an animation for kids, telling a story of friendship between a whale, a ray, a seahorse and a shark, is […]
Thailand’s Pet Food Producers on a Mission to Please Pet Owners and ‘Pet Parents’

Today, a growing global trend sees pet owners becoming ‘pet parents’ and treating their dogs and cats as part of the family. Gone are the days of keeping a pet outdoor and feeding it scrap food. For the pet food industry, the shift is having a major impact, and Thailand, as the world’s kitchen, is […]
Thailand reinforces Kitchen of the World status with Healthier, Tastier Food of The Future

Thailand, a long-standing leading producer, and net exporter of food is gearing up to provide the world with volume and nutritive quality in a sustainable manner, and to meet global consumer demand for unique tastes with its food of the future offerings. The country promotes itself as the “Kitchen of the World’ on account […]
Thailand heightens its healthcare hub ambition with integrative medicine

BANGKOK, Aug. 26, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Living with the COVID-19 pandemic, people start to recognize the equal importance of modern medicine and preventive practices in maintaining their good health and wellbeing. With a strong healthcare and wellness infrastructure and reputation for highly-skilled professionals, Thailand is more than ever ready to realize its goal to become “The Worlds’s Medical and […]
Thailand Draws on Creativity, Technology to Answer Consumer Demand for Eco-Friendly Lifestyle Goo

Thailand’s makers of decorative items, furniture, fashion and other lifestyle goods have been anticipating the rising global consumer demand for environmentally friendly products, by creating innovative solutions based on locally available bio resources and increasingly engaging in recycling, in line with the country’s Bio-Circular-Green (BCG) economic model and sustainable development agenda, Thai officials and businesspeople […]
From Jackfruit to Coconut and Durian, Thailand Fruit Exports Are Riding the Health Trend

BANGKOK, May 30, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — From the crunchy yellow flesh of the jackfruit, that weighs as much as 25 kilograms and can be eaten fresh or cooked as a meat substitute, to the natural coconut water enjoying growing popularity due to its health benefits and innovative packaging that preserve freshness while making it easy to […]