Latest issue

ไม่รักษ์ จึงร้อน


ไม่รักษ์ จึงร้อน

Issue 95
October – December 2023

Trade Highlight

GLOBAL BOILING The global situation is boiling with trade opportunities.

Inspiration and Success

SAIJO DENKI sends coolness far abroad


low carbon cement


SC GRAND, business with society and the environment

Previous issues

Khon Thai

Issue 94
July – September 2023

Trade Highlight

Thai Khon shows pride to the world

Inspiration and Success

Khon, cultural heritage in the Thai context from the past-present


Translate baby’s cries with AI


Enzymes, enzyme technology that saves the world

Khon Thai

ไม่รักษ์ จึงร้อน

Issue 95
October – December 2023

ไม่รักษ์ จึงร้อน

Khon Thai

Issue 94
July – September 2023

Khon Thai

Sea you again

Issue 93
April – June 2023

Sea you again

Unlock the Desert

Issue 92
January – March 2023

Unlock the Desert

Soft Power

Issue 91
October – December 2022

Soft Power

Trade Without Borders

Issue 90
July – September 2022

Trade Without Borders

Technology and Commerce

Issue 89
April – June 2022

Technology and Commerce

Think Trade Special Edition

Issue 88
January – March 2022

Think Trade Special Edition

From Wellness to Wellbeing

Issue 87
October – December 2021

From Wellness to Wellbeing

Food of Tomorrow

Issue 86
July – September 2021

Food of Tomorrow

BCG Economy

Issue 85
April – June 2021

BCG Economy

Hybrid Commerce

Issue 84
January – March 2021

Hybrid Commerce

Get Ready After Covid-19

Issue 83
October – December 2020

Get Ready After Covid-19

Trade in Green

Issue 82
July – September 2020

Trade in Green

The Beauty Insider

Issue 81
April – June 2020

The Beauty Insider

Strengths of Thailand

Issue 80
January – March 2020

Strengths of Thailand

The World of E-Commerce

Issue 79
October – December 2019

The World of E-Commerce

Eco Friendly

Issue 78
July – September 2019

Eco Friendly

Think Trade Issue 77

Issue 77
April – June 2019

Think Trade Issue 77

All We Need is Well Being

Issue 76
January – March 2019

All We Need is Well Being

The Greatest Weal is Health

Issue 75
October – November 2018

The Greatest Weal is Health

Creativity is Intelligence having Fun

Issue 74
August – September 2018

Creativity is Intelligence having Fun

CIS Comrade

Issue 73
June – July 2018

CIS Comrade

Mom & Me

Issue 72
April – May 2018

Mom & Me

Pet Play

Issue 71
February – March 2018

Pet Play

Wealth Come to Thailand

Issue 70
January 2018

Wealth Come to Thailand

Special Our King

Issue 69
September 2017

Special Our King

Think Outside The Box

Issue 68
August 2017

Think Outside The Box

One Vision One Identity One Community

Issue 67
July 2017

One Vision One Identity One Community


Issue 66
June 2017


Digital Content

Issue 65
May 2017

Digital Content

This is Pad Thai

Issue 64
April 2017

This is Pad Thai

Global Citizens

Issue 63
March 2017

Global Citizens

Love Is Borderless

Issue 62
February 2017

Love Is Borderless

Eyes On Africa

Issue 61
January 2017

Eyes On Africa


Issue 60
February 2016


What Do You Think?

Issue 59
November 2016

What Do You Think?

It’s Not For You

Issue 58
October 2016

It’s Not For You